Go to www.pinside.com or just click on the image!

Wanna go to the Best Pinball Place on Earth? Check out the PINSIDE Website! EVERYTHING you want to know about Pinball... and a Fantastic FORUM. Chat and learn from the best in the business! http://www.pinside.com

If you want some COOL Pinball mods, please check out Judge Dreads Pinball! The photo is the SCARED STIFF Spider Pit Hole Light! There are plenty of mods for most of the Top 10 Machines. Tell Andy Ted sent ya!


PINBALL SERVICES: (go to www.pinside.com for more info)

Thanks to GLARROWNAGE at Pinside for this compilation!

Board Repair:

Barakandl - Columbus, OH - Board Repair Specializing in WMS 3-7, Classic Stern, and Classic Bally boards
Borygard - St Louis, MO - Board Repair and Travels with an Awesome Dog Named Taro
ChrisHibler - Chesterfield, MO - Repairs All Boards Except Game Plan, Atari, and Surface Mounts (SAM System)
Eddie - Brooklyn Heights, NY - Board Repair
JohnWartJr - Columbus, IN - Board Repair and Rom Burning

Cabinet Creation/Restoration:
NoahFentz - Holly, MI - Cabinet Creation - http://virtuapin.net/

Decal/Art Printing:
Ovfdfireman - Oakland, NE - https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/custom-decals-printing-and-cutting-for-pinheads-only

BackAlleyMatt - Schererville, IN - (Description Coming Soon)
Calico1997 - Lake In The Hills, IL - LED Bumper Caps and Other Mods - http://www.britemods.com/
Cliffy - San Ramon, CA - Makes Cliffy Protectors - http://www.passionforpinball.com
Freeplay40 - Bothell, WA - Fabricates Reproductions i.e. Genesis Ramps
Herg - Stone Ridge, VA - Creates LED/GI OCD, GIzmo LED Control Boards - http://www.ledocd.com/
Hooked - Cherryville, NC - Designs, Customizes, and Manufactures Mods - http://www.Hookedonpinball.com
IamDarras - Portland, OR - BSD Ugly Vamp Mod - http://iamdarras.bigcartel.com/product/bsd-ugly-vamp-mod
Jasonpaulbauer - Columbus, IN - Fabricates BSD Coffin Ramp and Flaps
Kilowog2814 - Moore, OK - Prints Custom Shirts - http://www.pinballswag.com
Laseriffic - Crystal Lake, IL - Parts Mods, Toppers, and Laser Engraving - http://www.laseriffic.com/
Mcclad - New Bedford, MA - Paints BSD Village, Graveyard, and Castle Parts
MezelMods - Location Unknown - Lots of Mods - http://mezelmods.com
Ovfdfireman - Oakland, NE - Speaker Kits, Electronic, and Molded Mods - http://www.pinballpro.com/
Swinks - Australia - Engineering, 3D Design, Prototyping - http://www.shapeways.com/shops/dutch-orange
Zitt - Austin, TX - Custom Colored Flipper Buttons and More - http://www.Pinball-Mods.com

Full Service Restoration:
Bryan_Kelly - Farmington, MN
High_End_Pins - Matthews, NC - http://www.highendpins.com
Pinballmiked - Jacksonville, FL - http://www.pinballmiked.com

Acebathound - Location Unknown - Electronics and Diagnostics - http://www.pinitech.com/
Gatecrasher - Chicago, IL - Bally Backglass Lift Channel and Hardware
G-P-E - Omaha, NE - Electronics Supply - http://www.greatplainselectronics.com/
HHaase - Watertown, SD - Electronics and Diagnostics - http://www.siegecraft.us/
Pinwow - Flint, MI - B/W Parts - Sold on Pinside
TaylorVA - VA - Playfield Rails - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reese-Rails/1547618268848757

Plating/Powder Coating/Metal Working:
BackAlleyMatt - Schererville, IN - Powder Coating
Eddie - Brooklyn Heights, NY - Metal Fabrication Specializing in the Welding Repair of Assemblies

Playfield Restoration:
CaptainNeo - Burlington, WI - Playfield Restoration and Clear Coating
Kruzman - Galesburg, MI - Playfield Restoration and Clear Coating
Whridlsoncestood - Hamden, CT - Playfield Restoration and Clear Coat

Repair/Shop Jobs/Minor Restoration:
Eddie - Brooklyn Heights, NY - Repair, Restorations Not Including Cabinets or Painting


I do general repairs, restorations, and boardwork in Mass, RI, eastern CT and southern NH. I make house calls.

Boards I repair:
WMS - all except P2K
Classic Bally / Stern - all except 6803 and Stern speech boards
GTB - none
DE - all except sound
Stern - Whitestar and SAM - not yet - currently looking for a test fixture.


Just click on the image and go right to the website!



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© Ted Bohus